Scottish Family History

Scottish Family History Research

Many resources are available to assist you with your Scottish family history and help you trace your family tree in Scotland. We at Gengenie Research can conduct your research for you at affordable rates.

Whether you and your Scottish Ancestors have always lived in Scotland, England, Ireland, or Wales or whether your Ancestors emigrated overseas, we can trace your heritage in Scotland.

There are many reasons why your family may have left Scotland! Whether it was a recent move by you or your Scottish Ancestors left their homelands due to famine, highland clearances or lack of jobs, the fact is that, like you, people worldwide have Scottish Ancestry.

Our professional genealogist, Shirley, is not just any researcher. She is based in Scotland and is well-versed in researching Scottish family history. With our proximity to Edinburgh’s Scotland’s People Centre at New Register House, a fantastic resource for such Research, Shirley can specifically delve into your Scottish family history, ensuring you receive the most accurate and comprehensive results.

What information do we need to get started?

Our professional genealogist, Shirley, needs little to trace your Scottish family tree; she can start with your birth or your parent’s marriage information. Suppose your Scottish research takes you further back in time. In that case, we can start from a census record identified as having your Scottish family listed at the address on the census.

Scottish Family History Research Packages

Our research packages are not only comprehensive but also affordable, designed to trace your heritage in Scotland without breaking the bank. For each package, you will receive a detailed printed report of our findings, as well as scanned copies of all relevant certificates, census records, and other documents. Once our research is complete, we will produce a printed family tree, allowing you to view your Scottish Ancestry in a clear and organized chart. We offer packages to suit any budget, so get in touch to discuss your requirements.

What to do now

At Gengenie Research, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We understand that every family is unique, and your Scottish family history is no exception. That’s why we encourage you to get in touch so we can discuss your specific needs and tailor a Scottish Family History research package just for you. Whether you’re starting from scratch or filling in gaps in your research, we’re here to leave no stone unturned in your family research.

Ready to start your Scottish family history journey? Call us at 07806513998 or reach out to us on our contact page. We at Gengenie Research are here to help you determine the best package for your needs. There’s no charge for an initial consultation, and you can decide the extent of your research. Don’t forget to explore our Useful Links Page, a valuable resource we’ve developed to assist with your family research.

Scottish family history

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